Sunday, July 4, 2010


The following example has happened to me at least thousand times in my life! This, I am sure would have happened to every one!

When I am driving, another car suddenly cuts across mine on the road, adrenalin pumps into my blood stream immediately. My heart rate jumps and blood pressure shoots up! These things, however, are just immediate fight-or-flight physiological response to a perceived threat.

As a psychological reaction to these immediate physical responses animosity toward the other driver overruns my mind. I honk my horn, give a dirty look, and sometimes possibly scream at the other driver! This is: Anger. Anger therefore is the wish to harm something that in my eyes has injured or obstructed me.
Anger is a common human emotion. We all feel it. And we feel it more often than we like to admit.

We all feel hurt or irritated when someone or something obstructs our needs or desires. Anger – in its technical sense refers to the desire to “get even with” – that is to take revenge on – the cause of the hurt.

This happens to everyone and it is quite natural. But because it is natural, does not make it good for us. Natural foods are being advertised as being good for us. Poison for example is also natural; but by definition, poison is deadly! So what is the remedy?
I am unable to offer a solution here as I am not a shrink! All I can say is that these days I am trying to avoid, consciously, getting into this state of mind called ‘Anger’. Period!

1 comment:

chitra said...

I used to have lot of patience. Used to. Things are changing.. I am becoming impatient and along with that comes anger. I am getting old.