

My blog does not have anything to do with any specific issue or topic. Nor does it attempt to make the reader infer any take home message. It is simply a digital medium for me to write on anything that attracts my attention! Just a time pass! Period!

One thing is certain. I, being an amateur photographer, majority of my posts might have some pictures connected to the post wherever it is possible. I love photography and it is my passion! There will be lot of Indianess in my blog!

Since I am in marketing, I have the great opportunity of traveling. Traveling gives me opportunities to see many places, different cultures, various customs and varied beliefs. I observe a lot and on these matters do not generally pass any judgment. I believe in each one for himself and every individual has his or her own individual space, which should be respected. (Do I sound like a big nerd? OK let me stop here!)

All views expressed here are totally mine and I do not expect the reader to agree with my point of views. Some of them you might find even weird. But I enjoy what I write! These are my thoughts, which are given digital expression by me. I do not attempt to entertain you for there are better sources of entertainment. Nothing more nothing less!

Instead of saying enjoy reading my blog, I prefer to say experience my blog!!!! Here it is.