
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Most abused temple of Orissa!

On the eastern banks of the ancient Bindu Sarobar Lake stands a magnificent 13th century temple called Anantha Basudev Temple.  This is the only Vaishnavite temple which is intact today relatively!) and is still in worship in Bhubaneswar. It is under the Archeological Survey of India and according to them it was built during the 13th century, by  Queen Chandrika of Eastern Ganga dynasty. Later in 17th century when Maratha empire extended up to Mahanadhi they renovated this temple extensively. So this temple is more than 900 years old!

There are four stages in this temple and they are: Bhog Mandap (place where Bhog is distributed), Nat Mandir (Dance Area), Jogmohan (assembly area) and the Biman, housing the Garbha Griha (inner sanctum). It is a classic example of Orissa Temple Architecture.

The inner and outer walls of the temple are carved  with many intricate designs similar to other temples of Orissa. There are many sculptures of female figures. These sculptures are heavily decorated with ornaments. Large varieties of figures are carved on the outer walls with minute details and decorations.

Today this temple must be the most abused temple in India! Unfortunately this magnificent temple is poorly maintained as dozen of priests are busy cooking the bhog (Prasad) at the temple complex itself. In fact the entire outer courtyard of the temple is now used as kitchen for the priests and devotees to cook Mahaprasad. The soot emanating from the firewood has blackened major portion of the yellow sand stones and most of the beautiful sculptures are severely damaged.

Because of the rift between the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation and the temple authorities the new kitchen outside the temple complex is not yet built although the required land has been procured two decades back! It seems quite frequently fire breaks out in these kitchens and every time fire breaks out, heat from the fire damages the temple beyond repair! A major fire broke out in September of 2010 and damaged the temple structure  extensively. Though catching fire has become a regular menace in this temple, there has been no initiative from the authorities to replace the hay of the roof of the kitchen with concrete!!

The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) had identified thie temple as one of the oldest heritage monuments of the east. In spite of this no one seems to be bothered to preserve this monument including the Orissa State Government!

This great monument has become the victim of apathy of the state government and inability of ASI to resolve the local issues! 

The best joke is - there is a board at the entrance of this temple which says "Protected Monument" !!!!! From what? - I do not know!

1 comment:

  1. nicely explained, felt sad too on reading its state of affairs
    but somewhere we as people too are responsible? or greed
