Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lodi gardens – New Delhi

Lodi Gardens is a park in Delhi and as the name suggests it is in Lodi road. I used to travel to Delhi a lot and this park  is very close to the hotel where I used to stay adjacent to Khan Market. This is a hotspot for morning walkers who stay in Jorbagh area of Delhi.

This beautiful park has two important tombs; the tomb of Mohammed Shah and Tomb of Sikander Lodi. Besides these two, Sheesh Gumbad and Bara Gumbad are also found in this park. These structures belong to 15th century and they are protected  by Archeological Society of India (ASI).  

According to ASI, the tomb of Mohammed Shah the last of the Sayyid Dynasty was built in 1444 by Ala-ud-din Alam Shah as a tribute to Mohammed Shah. This tomb was one of the earliest to be built in this garden. The importance of this tomb assumes greater significance as there is little architecture left in India which belongs to this period!

The tomb of Sikandar Lodi was built by his son Ibrahim Lodi in 1517 – the last Sultan of Delhi from Lodi dynasty.