
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Relationship. . . . Great relationship

I was not getting sleep yesterday night (May be the cup of tea which I took late evening was interfering with my bio rhythm!) and I was tossing for long in my bed. Not surprisingly, I was thinking about many things and one led to another and finally I landed on the word ‘relationship’. ‘Relationship’ and ‘Great relationship’ to be more specific. What makes it different? I was trying to find the real difference between the two words.  What makes a relationship great? What it means to me? 

According to me a relationship, - is a state of mind or a mindset. I would like to call it a state of mind as it happens in the Mind! 

Relationship to me is the act of relating to another human being. This, more often than not, occurs through a genuine conversation, a personal story or very importantly an exchange of a shared feeling. Stepping beyond those boundaries to extend an act of kindness, a show of genuine interest or to simply exude positive energy in a sincere J can make a relationship a great one! 

If you have one with whom you have a great relationship, then you are lucky and fortunate, if not, too bad, you are less fortunate!